Press Coverage (2019)
2nd Nagoya Edition has concluded with a great success. Read the articles by media gathered from all around the world and feel how excited the shows were!
< Excerpts from editorials/reports by International Press >
Online Media
- 36KrJapan 带你看日本名古屋国际汽车工业技术展 (36Kr)
- 從2019 Nepcon Nagoya看電子構裝材料發展趨勢(上) (Materialsnet)
- 2019日本名古屋国际汽车工业技术展,[丰田、大众、斯巴鲁…]80位行业大伽带您一窥日本汽车产业新动向 (Ofweek)
- 名古屋汽車技術展9/18登場 預先申請免費入場券 (DIGITIMES)
- 日本廠房朝著人機協作方向發展 (HKTDC RESEARCH)
- 2019名古屋汽车技术展,带您一窥日本汽车发展产业新动向 (AUTO MOP)
- 日本名古屋国际展:出行、机器人、电子、物联网行业新趋势 (QQ.COM)
- 名古屋Automotive World 2019:實現完全自動駕駛高性能傳感技術 (KK NEWS)
- 從2019 Nepcon Nagoya看電子構裝材料發展趨勢(下) (Materialsnet)
- 최신 산업 트렌드를 보다 – 오토모티브 월드 in Nagoya (MFG)
- ‘워크벤치’ 앞세워 ‘나고야’ 입성한 IAR시스템즈, “퍼포먼스·안정성 모두 OK” (IT Biz News)
- [오토모티브월드 나고야] 현장 이모저모…자율주행·경량화소재기업, MaaS/TaaS 스타트업 부스 ‘인기’ (IT Biz News)
- [로보덱스 나고야] 현장 이모저모…“산업용·서비스로봇에서 설계 기술, 렌탈서비스까지 모두 모였다” (IT Biz News)
- 오토사 개발 플랫폼 기업 ‘팝콘사’, “글로벌 티어1에 인정받는 기술, 보여주겠다” (IT Biz News)
- 日 오토모티브 시장 문 두드리는 LG이노텍, “기술력-가치 내세워 경쟁력 입증” (IT Biz News)
- 日 산업 요충지 나고야서 미래차 기술 전시회 열렸다 (IT Biz News)
To press members:
If you issue reports/editorials about the show, please share them with us. We would be happy to add them to this page. (Please note that it depends on the content of the report/editorial.) If you are interested in covering the event on your media and require more information, please also contact us.
>> mailto: [email protected]
The numbers of exhibitors/countries (including co-exhibitors) and visitors (including concurrent shows) on this website are forecasts.These numbers may differ from the actual numbers at the show.